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UCANDrone, an incredible Greek UAV Manufacturer, presentation Dimitrios Stefanakis, Co-Founder
UcanDrone new address Teaser
DEFEA 2023 | Συνέντευξη με τον Διευθύνων Σύμβουλο της UCANDRONE
Iris+ settings Ucandrone
Digital Construction 24/9/2021 - Stefanakis Dimitrios, Ceo UCANDRONE
Greece is secretly making new drones equipped with missiles
Δημήτρης Στεφανάκης - UCANDRONE
Phoreas UAS making of at UCD Lab
VTOL With CUBE by UcanDrone
CyRIC at EUROSATORY 2022 | VTOL UAV, drones and many more made in Cyprus
SAS Technology from Greece marks one more milestone in UCAV Sarisa 2 75'' rocket fire testing progra